Sponsored charity care reflects the corporate community, caring human beings, human emotions can be a good image building brand affinity, and therefore is a "smart" prom…
Objectives: to extract a dollar profits through each dish to help Hope Primary School children Target groups: general population Activities: Where to this restaurant d…
From the literal meaning of public view it is in the public interest, it should be said that once again the substance of the distribution of social wealth. Refers to a c…
1, the general type of public cultural activities, such as cultural events plaza , festivals, cultural missions and so on. 2 , the donor -type public cultural activitie…
Inspirational illuminate the life and learn to change the fate of the "Thanksgiving parents crazy Success will allow easy college to college, find a job easily program a…
"Chee" elders love for younger people, "good" means friendship and interaction between people. Chinese modern vocabulary of "charity" concept, its meaning directly inher…
Free lunch by a media person, a group of intellectual elites, a new media tools, hundreds of ten thousand donors, Mei-US events leading to the traditional public servic…
1KG is a way to travel. It is in a relaxed and happy way for travelers to visit rural schools on the road , passing the love and knowledge , while adding meaning to the…
Charity from a little more than hold to fast three points, it seems only a short one and a half hours , but each of us embodies the effort . Before bazaar held , the st…
Million Forest Project in August 12, 2009 officially launched in Beijing . The project consists of the Climate Group (The Climate Group) Joint China Green Foundation, th…
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