Million Forest Project in August 12, 2009 officially launched in Beijing .
The project consists of the Climate Group (The Climate Group) Joint China Green Foundation, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) jointly launched aimed at getting the public Advocating low-carbon life , climate change , support the poor weather ecologically fragile areas in the west . The campaign to promote low-carbon public life , and by 5 dollars a donation sea buckthorn tree , support the people of the Western Climate poor areas to improve local ecological environment and increase revenue. Through this activity , poor rural households will be free to get sea buckthorn seedlings , resulting fruits income to farmers all .
Millions forest project consists of two parts online and offline , namely carbon reduction action " and " I want a tree " , referred to as" carbon reduction donated trees " ." Carbon " will regularly introduce 10 different themes carbon little things of everyday life , users can log in at any time to participate in activities through the official website of the activities , just answer 10 simple questions , you can know how much carbon dioxide emissions today own example, using a laptop in standby mode , each available daily 6 grams of carbon dioxide emissions , "I want a tree " By and China green Foundation . " happy home - Western green action project " Eco- poverty charity project docking to 5 yuan donation standard tree sea buckthorn trees , extensive mobilization of social forces , People grow large fruit seabuckthorn ecological forest assistance arid regions in the western and improve micro-climate , which affects climate , while helping poor families achieve labor income and the right to sustainable development. public can visit the million Forest 's official website through Paypal and online banking , etc. , quickly pledging event , every tree pledges will receive a unique number millions forests.
The event was formerly known as the "Internet Forest " project, which is an interactive encyclopedia , The Climate Group One Foundation co-sponsored , and to convene the country more than 100 of the most popular websites , BBS joint promotion with " one million species on the Internet tree " as the goal of public service activities . The campaign called on everyone personally do 10 on environmental daily " little things " such as a hand wash clothes every day , the air conditioning temperature was raised without the use of disposable tableware , etc., through the " energy saving , low-carbon lifestyle " Coping slow global warming. Currently, more than 800 million Internet users participated in the online tree planting activities , since April 22 planting page formally launched , as of August 10 , has been successful in the next nearly two million trees on the Internet. And set up by more than 100 well-known websites , BBS composition of the " Forest Alliance ," while also invited to the country 's most popular film stars Miss Li Bingbing as " Forest Alliance ," the chief .
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