1 Environmental Protection (environmental protection) involves a wide range of comprehensive, it involves many fields of natural science and social science , as well as its unique object of study .
Environmental contain at least three levels of meaning :
Protection of the natural environment
In order to prevent the deterioration of the natural environment of mountains, green water , blue sky, ocean protection. Here it is not related to the private mining ( mine ) deforestation ( trees ) , not arbitrary row ( sewage ) misplacing ( sewage gas ) , not overgrazing, excessive land reclamation can not be over-exploitation of natural resources, can not destroy the ecological balance of nature and so on. This belongs to the macro level , mainly rely on governments to exercise their functions , regulate , it can be solved.
Protection of life on earth
Including the preservation , conservation of plant species of vegetation , animals return, the conservation of biological diversity, gene transfer and reasonable caution , on the verge of extinction special protection of biological extinction of species recovery , expanding habitat , humans live in harmony with the creatures , do not bully other species , and so on .
For the protection of human living environment
Make the environment more suitable for human needs of work and labor. This relates to people's food, clothing, shelter, transportation, entertainment aspects , must meet the scientific , health, healthy, green requirements. Conscious action of this level are micro , both rely on the citizens , but also rely on government policies and regulations to ensure that, relying on the education community to guide the organization to the workers studied business sectors make concerted efforts to resolve.
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